Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Looking Forward, Backward, Sideways and Slantways

Today is July 6, 2011, which means that I have 16 days until I graduate from BYU-Idaho. No matter how hard I try, I cannot wrap my mind around this concept. I've been up here since September of 2007, and this semester will be the seventh semester STRAIGHT that I've gone to classes here. In 16 days I say goodbye to this place (probably forever) and move to Los Angeles, California. Just writing all of this is blowing my mind.

So here's to looking forward, backward, sideways, slantways, all that...

Looking Forward:

I don't think the fact that I'm moving to California has hit me yet, probably because I don't have a job/permanent place to live as of right now. The move holds a bunch of different emotions, actually. I'm excited to be in Los Angeles and start fresh. I'm terrified of actually starting fresh, all by myself, in a city I know only semi-well. I'm anxious about how all the logistics will pan out (money, apartment, job, money). I'm curious to see how I'll manage to do all of these things. Overall, though, I'm ecstatic. This move has been a long time coming. For now my plan is to nanny for a couple months while I get my head on straight. I was going to go straight into interning/script reading, but after seven semesters of English I need to get my head on straight and read/write what I want to for a little while. It would also be nice to utilize a different skill set for a few months, watching kids instead of grading papers or tutoring. So pray for me. Pray very, very, very hard.

Looking Backward:

I'm already missing Rexburg. I couldn't have picked a better school to go to, I don't think. I mean, I know I could've picked a better school, but the experience itself couldn't have been better for me. I don't think we realize until we're about to leave just how strangely perfect Rexburg is. The way I explain it to other people is that Rexburg is my Orange County (from the movie Orange County). It's probably the last place on Earth that I would actually choose to live in, but it's exactly what I needed at this stage in my life- the people, the atmosphere, the stupid weather, all of it. I couldn't have asked for a better college experience. I've met so many incredible people and done so many things I would never do elsewhere. I'm going to miss it. A lot.

I should probably throw some highlights from the past couple of weeks in here..

-I found out I was nominated for Outstanding English Graduate for the semester. I didn't even know there was a thing until about a week ago.
-I got to visit California with my dad and uncle about three weeks ago for a funeral. It was one of the best trips I've ever taken. It was so nice to see family (and meet new family) and spend some time in LA with Leanne.
-I'm done with school, not in a literal sense, but I've completely checked out in my mind. I can't believe how hard it is to find motivation to get things done. It's bad.
-My family is selling the car I learned to drive in. Our fifteen-seater, which by now is famous in Fairfax, is going to a new home. My family will be replacing it with a mini van...
-I'm tan. And about two shades away from blonde.
-I gave up soda. It's been five days since my last carbonated beverage of any kind. Those of you who know me know what a big deal this is. It's not fun, but I don't crave it as much as I thought I would. I miss its convenience more than anything else.
-After almost 9 semesters up here, I finally climbed R mountain. No one knows why it took me this long, but I finally went up with Caitie two Sundays ago. It was the perfect hike. Actually, it was more like the perfect day.
- This past weekend was the fourth of July. We spent it at Sister Morgan's place, taking the canoe out on the river, eating hot dogs, and talking about Sister Morgan's crazy life. Then we spent 4 HOURS at a rodeo in Rexburg.
-Isaac's putting his mission papers in soon. This is the best news I've had in a long, long time.
-Rave On Buddy Holly came out this past week. It's the best album I've listened to all year. This isn't huge news, but it's sooooooo good. "Dearest" by Black Keys is money/cherry/mint.
-In other music news, I've been on a huge blues&soul trip. I can't stop listening to Otis Redding.

Also, this is more for my own memory than anything else, but I have to record this story from Brother Griffin:

Bro Griffin (talking to a student that has actually lost a leg): Hey man, you're sitting kinda funny. You lost a leg or something?
Student: Um...yeah.

That's all I got.

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